Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Beautiful Morning


Good Morning!

 I hope your morning is going as well as mines.Whether it is on the commute to work,
or if you work at home! My day started off great and I think God for waking me up and being able to see my bundles of joy smiling at me. I was thinking about taking them on a walk when the temperature goes up a bit. They always seem so humble and amazed at what nature has to offer. I love seeing their faces when we go walking. I enjoy the walks as well. It gives me a chance to get some fresh air and clear my mind. We barely get out since I work at home and barely have any time to do anything but that.

                      I remember when I was 37 weeks pregnant with my daughter. I attended a spiritual spa. It was just what I needed to clear my mind of any negativity and put me back on the right religious path. At the spa, we spent a large amount of time outside by the lake drawing pictures and talking about God. What I love the most about the spa was that I could be me and express my love for Jehovah without being judged. I want my kids to grow up and not be afraid to talk about the love they have for God. I must say I am not a nature person, but attending the spa made me feel more open to the idea of sitting outside on grass and being thankful that God created it just for us the way he wanted it. It was beautiful and an experience I will never forget.

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